"Just because something has been lost does not mean that it must stay forgotten."
Sean Sevestre’s new documentary highlights an undervalued part of the tricking experience.
Get ready for a little tricking history lesson.
As your mouse alights on each track name, you ask yourself, “Does this rip? Slap? Smack?”
For all my male homies out there, I’ve put together six general tips to keep in mind during your next interaction with a girl tricker.
It’s almost like a wedding—before the event, you have to plan all of the details. And during the gathering, you have to handle whatever comes your way.
Tricking is so awesome that it sells itself to people who want to actually do it. But when it comes to the parents of young people who want to try it, there may be some reservations.
Sometimes we have to look back at who we were to understand who we are now, and who we’re becoming.
It's no secret that the tricking community is male-dominated. What's less known is what a girl has to go through because of that.
I’m a firm believer in tricking gatherings being an essential part of your journey as a tricker.
I am now going to tell you two embarrassing stories.